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A Shift to Humility: Resilience & Change
Andrew Zolli, the curator and executive director of PopTech, was interviewing a farmer in Kenya where climate effects have dramatically shifted rain patterns to the point where their crops have stopped growing. These farmers, mostly women, have had to leave their homes near schools, hospitals, and fixed infrastructure in order to survive. During the interview, she looked at Zolli in the eye and sa... posted on Dec 05 2013, 22,766 reads


Are You Living Your Eulogy Or Resume?
Author, Ray Bradbury, once said that everyone must leave something behind -- something our hands have touched in such a way that it leaves a place for our souls to go when we die. This is the truest reflection of our legacy -- that our spirit remains in these things long after we're gone. For some, a eulogy is the first and only time their life's impact has been celebrated. "Eulogies aren't resume... posted on Dec 04 2013, 59,995 reads


Childhood's Magic Milestone
"Betty Peck at 92 is full of a radiant loveliness that brings to mind fairy godmothers and enchanted gardens. Visiting her is a little like falling down Alice's rabbit hole. A train track with a real train runs around her Saratoga home. There are ivy-covered walls, crazy winding paths, tree houses, even a Rapunzel tower, and an amphitheater under the trees complete with a Romeo and Juliet balcony.... posted on Dec 03 2013, 24,628 reads


A Letter From Fred
It didn't exactly conform to the rules of the online video contest for up-and-coming singer/songwriters, but when producer Jacob Colgan received 96-year-old Fred Stobaugh's handwritten lyrics in a mania envelope, it was an entry he couldn't ignore. Fred penned the song "Oh Sweet Lorraine" in memory of his recently departed wife of 72 years; but, as his letter to the studio said, "I don't sing. It ... posted on Dec 02 2013, 6,116 reads


Camille Seaman: We All Belong to Earth
Camille Seaman, world traveler and renowned photographer, says that "Part of the magic of an artist is being able to sort of draw from the intangible and create a physical..." But Camille's was a bumpy road, and her story is unusual. Not the least of it is her almost instant success in the art world -- she is now a senior TED fellow. Read about her fascinating life in this interview.... posted on Dec 01 2013, 21,845 reads


Food for Your Soul: An Interview with Satish Kumar
"Food brings people together and nourishes not just their body but their soul, their mind and their spirit... That is why it is so important what kind of food you are eating. If you eat food that is tasteless, sprayed with chemicals and wrapped in plastic then your soul and spirit will not be nourished. We should eat wholesome food for a wholesome life." These are the words of Satish Kumar, founde... posted on Nov 30 2013, 13,711 reads


A 15-Year-Old Homeless Artist Rocks the World
Inocente is a talented, spirited, ambitious teenage artist. She is also homeless, living with her mother and younger brothers on the streets of San Diego. She knows that her life depends on her art -- in more ways than we can imagine. This trailer for an award-winning documentary captures the dreams, fears, and inspiring resiliency of this remarkable young woman. ... posted on Nov 29 2013, 13,206 reads


What Is Gratitude?
"Robert Emmons, perhaps the world's leading scientific expert on gratitude, argues that gratitude has two key components, which he describes in a Greater Good essay, "Why Gratitude is Good."... posted on Nov 28 2013, 44,417 reads


Grateful: A Love Song to the World
Inspired by the 21-Day Gratitude Challenge, talented musicians Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod brought together dozens of people from around the world to create this beautiful, heart-opening melody -- a celebration of our spirit and all that is a blessing in life. For 21 Days, over 11,000 participants from 118 countries practiced exactly that, learning that 'gratefulness' is a habit cultivated consci... posted on Nov 27 2013, 11,373 reads


When You Listen To A Child
"Having a parent that listens creates a child who believes he or she has a voice that matters in this world," says Rachel Macy Stafford, a young mother who, in this digital age, has made the life changing decision to go completely 'hands free'. She did so to ensure her children always knew, that their voice in this world matters. "Because," she continues, "someday our children will find themselves... posted on Nov 26 2013, 88,295 reads


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To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.
Mary Oliver

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